Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Second Division

2nd Division Insignia.jpgThe Second Division (二番隊, nibantai), also known as Squad 2 in the English Dub, is one of the Gotei 13, headed by Captain Suì-Fēng.

The 2nd Division follows the traditional organization of a Gotei 13 Division.
Because the Captain of the 2nd Division also leads the Onmitsukidō (Stealth Force in the English dub), the 2nd Division's duties are directly tied in with the Onmitsukidō, each of the top 5 seated officers is in charge of a certain division of the Special Forces. At this time, it is known that the Captain is in charge of the Executive Militia, the Lieutenant is in charge of the Patrol Unit, and the 3rd Seat is in charge of the Detention Unit.
The Second Division HQ has been renovated at the expense of wealthy lieutenant Marechiyo Ōmaeda. To accommodate Yoruichi any day, any time, every room on every level has heated floors, automatic doors and air conditioning.

Monday, October 3, 2011

First Division

1st Division Insignia.jpgThe First Division (一番隊, ichibantai), also known as Squad 1 in the English Dub, is one of the Gotei 13, headed by Captain Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.
No special duties have been noted for the 1st Division. The First Division is ranked highest among the 13 Divisions. Even subordinate members of the First Division are considered model Shinigami. Emergency must be dealt with swiftly; quick decisions and quick actions are essential. The division is able to ascertain a situation and mobilize quickly even before an order is issued. That is the true value of the First Division.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto

Yamamoto, Episode 206.jpgGenryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto (山本元柳斎 重國, Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni) is the captain of the 1st Division in the Gotei 13 and also the Captain-Commander (Head-Captain in the English Dub) of the whole Gotei 13. His lieutenant is Chōjirō Sasakibe.
Yamamoto is the oldest captain in the Gotei 13. He has the appearance of an old man with red eyes a very long white beard, and long eyebrows .There are many scars on his torso and head, the two most prominent being a pair of long, perpendicular scars above his right eye, suggesting numerous battles in his past. After his brief confrontation with Aizen, Yamamoto lost his left arm . He wears the standard Shinigami uniform, but its size is greatly exaggerated. He also drapes his haori over his back instead of actually wearing it. Despite his old and frail appearance, he has a very muscular body that he only reveals when he takes a certain battle stance, something that, Shunsui claims, is not seen too often.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Retsu Unohana Cloak

Retsu Unohana (卯ノ花 烈, Unohana Retsu) is the captain of the Fourth Division in the Gotei 13. She is one of the oldest and most experienced captains, and is the Soul Society's best healer. Her lieutenant is Isane Kotetsu.

Bleach Retsu Unohana captain of the 4th Division Cloak
Bleach Retsu Unohana captain Cloak


Fabric:Polyester + Cotton

For this cloak,like the title shows,it only includes the cloak and doesn't include the inner part.People who ever watched the anime know that the inner color of this cloak is pink and there is a number "四" on the back of the clock,that means this cloak is worn by the captain of the Fourth Division.If you would like it,you can just choose it.Also,since it is tailor made,if you would like us to change a little for this cloak,you can just state clearly to us.The one we make for you is like this one,you can be assured about what you will get.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fourth Division (Retsu Unohana)

4th Division Insignia.jpgThe Fourth Division (四番隊, yonbantai), also known asSquad 4 in the English Dub, is one of the Gotei 13, headed by Captain Retsu Unohana.
The 4th Division follows the traditional organization of a Gotei 13 Division.
The Division is further divided accordingly into Advanced Relief Teams, whether or not the relief squads are determined by Healing skill or area is unknown.

  • 1st Relief Teams = Yasochika Iemura (leader), Harunobu Ogidō (co-leader)
  • 2nd Relief Teams =
  • 3rd Relief Teams =
  • 4th Relief Teams =
  • 5th Relief Teams =
  • 6th Relief Teams =
  • 7th Relief Teams =
  • 8th Relief Teams =
  • 9th Relief Teams =
  • 10th Relief Teams =
  • 11th Relief Teams =
  • 12th Relief Teams =
  • 13th Relief Teams =
  • 14th Relief Teams = Hanatarō Yamada (leader)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Retsu Unohana

Unohana Ep206a.pngRetsu Unohana (卯ノ花 烈, Unohana Retsu) is the captain of the Fourth Division in the Gotei 13. She is one of the oldest and most experienced captains, and is the Soul Society's best healer. Her lieutenant is Isane Kotetsu.
Unohana has the appearance of a very youthful woman with blue eyes and black hair. She wears the standard Shinigami captain uniform apart from using an obi instead of the normal sash. Her hair is long and is always worn as a large braid in front. Over 100 years ago, she did not have the large braid.
Unlike most Shinigami who carries their Zanpakutō in their sash, Unohana has a large string attached to the sheath of her Zanpakutō and carries it over her shoulder, or has her lieutenant Isane Kotetsu carry it for her, whenever they are together on the battlefield.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sixth Division (Byakuya Kuchiki)

6th Division Insignia.jpg
Name6th Division
CaptainByakuya Kuchiki
LieutenantRenji Abarai
Allied OrganisationNone
Division SpecialtyN/A
Insignia SignifiesNoble Reason
Division ColorIndigo Blue
  • The Sixth Division (六番隊, rokubantai), also known asSquad 6 in the English dub, is one of the Gotei 13,headed by Captain Byakuya Kuchiki.
  • Organization
  • The sixth Division follows the traditional organization of a Gotei 13 Division.
  • Special Duties
  • No special duties have been noted for the 6th Division. The 6th Division is seen as a model division by
  • every Shinigami and is known for its strict adherence to rules.
  • Barracks
  • Like all the other barracks, the 6th Division Barracks house the offices and living quarters of the
  • Shinigami of the 6th. Byakuya's office is notable for having shelves of books lining its walls.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Byakuya Kuchiki

Byakuya Kuchiki (朽木 白哉, Kuchiki Byakuya) is the captain of the 6th Division in the Gotei 13. His lieutenant is Renji Abarai.
Byakuya2-1-.jpgByakuya has slate gray eyes and long black hair, which he keeps up in intricate white headpieces called kenseikanthat symbolize his nobility as the head of the Kuchiki family, one on top of his head and another on the right side. He wears the standard captain uniform along with a white scarf made by the master weaver, Tsujishirō Kuroemon III. The scarf is made from the silver-white, windflower light silk (ginpaku kazahana no uzuginu) and is a family heirloom that is handed down from generation to generation and is given to each Kuchiki family head. The scarf alone is worth enough to buy ten mansions in the Seireitei.He also wears fingerless white tekko that cover only the back of his hands.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kaname Tosen

Tosen Profile 289.pngTōsen has dark skin and dark brown braids. He has pupil-less eyes that are a pale lavender, and has been blind since birth. Tōsen, like Sōsuke Aizen and Gin Ichimaru, has changed his outfit after defecting from Soul Society. He now wears clothing similar to the Arrancar, with a sleeveless coat, black hakama, longer gloves, band-like visor, an orange rope coming from his right shoulder running across his chest to under his left arm, and his braids let down. He is usually seen carrying his Zanpakutō in his hand, but has also been seen with it suspended from a string-like attachment on the side of his clothes.
While a captain he wore the traditional Shinigami uniform with the sleeves rolled up to the shoulder and his captain's haori over it; the uniform is tied with a purple obi sash. He also wore an orange scarf around his neck, white boots (instead of the normal sandals), and black, fingerless gloves. He usually wore clear goggles, although this was not always the case. He kept his hair tied back in a ponytail.
Around 100 years ago, he wore the standard Shinigami uniform with a long-collared white jacket over it. His hair was held backwards and up (somewhat resembling Love Aikawa's current hairstyle), while a mask obscured his mouth and nose, while large goggles covered his eyes and forehead, completely hiding his face.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Powers & Abilities of Mayuri Kurotsuchi

Genius Intellect: Mayuri Kurotsuchi is the most intelligent scientific and inventive mind in Soul Society. He is also the most cruel and sadistic. His research and inventive skill is entirely without ethics or morality and he commonly makes test subjects of his own allies if it furthers his goals. His mind is full of scientific curiosity which he puts toward all situations and pursuits he comes across.
Master Scientist/Inventor: As the head of the Shinigami Research Institute, Mayuri is a talented inventor and scientist, having created a number of devices or techniques to aid him in battle or otherwise. As Mayuri is the mad scientist archetype embodied, he has no morals or empathy in everyday life and apparently his work is devoid of it as well. He is willing to go to any lengths he feels are necessary to achieve his goals, and apparently cares very little for morals or the value of Human life. He often takes no interest in the issues of Soul Society and prefers to engage in his research when such issues arise, unless personally ordered to do otherwise by Captain-Commander Yamamoto.
Master Chemist: Being the current head of the Research an Development Institute, Mayuri has otherwise been shown to be an adept chemist.
Master Strategist: Mayuri has a talent for being well prepared. He takes various precautions before engaging in personal combat with an adversary, usually studying them through his various methods in order to gain a clear advantage. He seems to always have a contingency plan if something doesn't work out the way he expects.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mayuri Kurotsuchi

Post Soul Society arc Mayuri Kurotsuchi.pngMayuri Kurotsuchi (涅 マユリ, Kurotsuchi Mayuri) is Captain of the 12th Division in the Gotei 13 and 2nd president of the Shinigami Research Institute. His lieutenant is Nemu Kurotsuchi, his artificially-created "daughter".

Mayuri Kurotsuchi is a researcher and personifies the stereotype of the mad scientist. By his early actions during the Ryoka Invasion, he is displayed as one of the most sadistic and cruel Shinigami. He sees everyone and everything not as a living being, but as an object to be researched—including himself.He has little respect or regard for most others, and was even willing to turn his own men (who were not aware of his plans) into living bombs in an attempt to capture Uryū Ishida and Orihime Inoue for experimentation.He also withheld vital information about the Bounts from the other Shinigami in order to capture one as a research subject for himself.
It is known that Mayuri's favorite food is pike fish, and that he does not like onion. One of his free-time activities is reading every character published in Seiretei Communication. He himself publishes a serialization in the journal, titled "Effective Medication for the Brain", which apparently contains detailed instructions on preparation of medicine and their application. Surprisingly, it is highly popular among the readers.
In battle, Mayuri likes to play with his opponent, torturing them little by little until they can hardly stand. This was shown in both the fight with Uryū and his Espada counterpart Szayel. Every time he fights he uses it as an experiment testing himself and his opponent little by little. He also uses it as an oppurtunity to implant microbes or other things in case they get away. Before engaging, though, he will make extensive research on his possible opponents to tilt the chance of winning in his favor.It is seen that, before the Winter War, he is busy reading in the library with a note on the door saying, "Enter and Die." He's shown to be doing this every time before he fights, against both the Bounts and the Espada.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sajin Komamura Cosplay Costume

After we knew some information about Sajin Komamura,I should let you know his cosplay.Today I will introduce you a piece of cosplay costume which is worn by him.This costume is a cloak,a typical costume from the anime Bleach.
Bleach captain of the 7th Division Sajin Komamura Cosplay Cloak

As you can see,this costume is just the one worn by Sajin Komamura,but please don't misunderstand,it only includes the white cloak and the inner costume is not included.Of course,if you would like it,we can also make for you.The cloak is made of polyester,the material is good and can be worn for a long time.
The inner color of the costume is brown as you can see and the back of the cloak will be made a number of "七" which means seven in English.For the inner color of the cloak,if you would like to change other colors,we can also make for you as long as we can find it in the market.
Then do you like this cloak?If you would like to own one,you can just place your order,we will make a same one for you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sajin Komamura


Sajin Komamura (狛村 左陣,Komamura Sajin) is the captain of the 7th Division. His lieutenant is Tetsuzaemon Iba.
Komamura is an anthropomorphic wolf, though he is often mistaken for a dog.Initially, he was very self-conscious about his appearance, so he wore gloves with bracers, as well as a helmet, to conceal his entire body. However, he later gains enough confidence to go on without his helmet after Kaname Tōsen's betrayal against Soul Society, along with former Captains Sōsuke Aizen and Gin Ichimaru. He is the tallest captain of the Gotei 13. His fur is light-brown in color, which the same color as his gloves. He also wears shoulder pads over his haori and large, plated boots instead of sandals. During the battle in the fake Karakura Town, he wears a high collar, having a similar build to his shoulder pads, the top of which is visible in his uniform.
In contrast to his physical stature, Komamura has a heart of gold, as well as being a loyal and grateful subordinate to Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, to whom he owes great gratitude for overriding the rules of Gotei 13 and taking him in; so grateful that he would even die for him. Komamura is also a serious man, deeply scarred by the times when he was spurned by Soul Society for his appearance. Like fellow Captains Jūshirō Ukitake, Shunsui Kyōraku, and Retsu Unohana, he isn't tough or cruel to his squad, preferring to lead with them impartiality.
Okay,today I only introduce this information to you about Sajin Komamura,later,I will introduce his cosplays to you,please wait and see what happens,it will bring you great surprise.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Uryuu Ishida Cosplay-Bleach

Today I will introduce you a costume,it is the costume of bleach Uryuu Ishida.This costume is white and long,it is consisted of  dress,pants,belts and gloves.It is made of Polyester.The costume we make is the same as the one in the pictures,although the material we choose is not the highest quality,it is the better one and you also can wear a perfect costume since the costume is totally made as your size.So you just don't worry about whether you can wear it or not.
Well,now let us see the costume together.

Bleach Cosplay Uryuu Ishida Cosplay Costume

Bleach Cosplay Uryuu Ishida Cosplay Costume
Bleach Cosplay Uryuu Ishida Cosplay Costume

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bleach (manga)

Bleach cover 01.jpgBleach (ブリーチ Burīchi, romanized as BLEACH in Japan) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Noriaki "Tite" KuboBleach follows the adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki after he obtains the powers of a Soul Reaper (死神 Shinigami, literally, "Death God") —a death personification similar to the Grim Reaper—from another Soul Reaper, Rukia Kuchiki. His newfound powers force him to take on the duties of defending humans from evil spirits and guiding departed souls to the afterlife.
Bleach has been serialized in the Japanese manga anthology Weekly Shōnen Jump since August 2001, and has been collected into 48 tankōbon volumes as of December 2010. Since its publication, Bleach has spawned a media franchise that includes an ongoing animated television series that is produced by Studio Pierrot in Japan, two original video animations, four animated feature films, seven rock musicals, and numerous video games, as well as many types of Bleach-related merchandise.

Viz Media obtained foreign television and home video distribution rights to the Bleach anime on March 15, 2006. Cartoon Network began airing Bleach in the United States as part of its Adult Swim block on September 9, 2006. Viz Media has licensed the manga for English-language publication in the United States and Canada, and has released 32 bound volumes as of September 2010 as well as published chapters of Bleach in its Shonen Jump magazine since November 2007. Viz Media released the first Bleach film, Bleach: Memories of Nobody, on DVDin North America on October 14, 2008. The second film, Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion, was released on September 15, 2009.
Volumes of the manga have sold more than 50 million copies in Japan, and have reached the top of manga sales in the United States. The anime adaptation has been similarly received; it was rated as the fourth most popular anime television series in Japan in 2006 and held a position amongst the top ten anime in the United States from 2006 to 2008. The series received theShogakukan Manga Award for the shōnen demographic in 2005, and is among the best-selling manga properties in both Japan and the United States.