Friday, March 2, 2012

Soi Fong's History

Suì-Fēng was born Shaolin Fēng (蜂 梢綾, Fēng Shāolíng in the Pinyin transliteration of Mandarin Chinese) into the Fēng house, one of the lower noble houses affiliated with the Shihōin noble house. She was in the 9th Generation of her family and as the youngest of six siblings she joined the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukidō as was tradition in her family. Upon joining the militia, she dropped her given name, Shaolin Fēng, and inherited the code name that her great-grandmother used, Suì-Fēng. Out of her five older siblings, two died on the first mission, then two more on the second. The last one died on the sixth mission.

As a member of the militia, Suì-Fēng trained intensely in order to become as strong as the corps-commander, Yoruichi Shihōin, the person she had come to adore. Seven years later, her efforts finally paid off when Yoruichi took notice of her talent and promoted Suì-Fēng to become one of her personal guards. Initially, their differing personalities seemed to clash due to Yoruichi's laid back nature, however, Suì-Fēng dedicated her life to her master, happy to put her life on the line for her. In turn, Yoruichi took Suì-Fēng under her wing as her protégée, and they developed a close relationship as student and mentor
From 18th on,we will have a holiday because of Chinese New Year and will start to work by the early of February.If you need the costume urgently,please contact us, we will try our best to rush your order.
Over 110 years ago, Suì-Fēng, in her capacity as a head of the guard, was highly protective of Yoruichi as well as her honor. She had a short temper when it came to Kisuke Urahara toward Yoruichi's intention of putting him up for promotion to be the new captain of the 12th division because all she saw was his carefree attitude; being lazy and doing bad at his job. Suì-Fēng confronts Yoruichi, concerned that she is overestimating Urahara's capabilities. She explains that she believes it was a mistake to even appoint him as Corps Commander of the Detention Unit, and goes on to say that he is undeserving of such a position. While Yoruichi, without hesitation, admits to the fact that Urahara is not really a hard worker, she dismisses Suì-Fēng's criticisms and playfully insinuates that her focus on him must have romantic connotations, though Suì-Fēng denies it entirely and stalks off.
After spending the day following Urahara around Soul Society while taking notes, she returns to the 2nd Division barracks to show Yoruichi her evidence of Urahara's lack of competence in his position. Suì-Fēng arrives to find Urahara already there talking with Yoruichi. Suì-Fēng is then told that Urahara will be taking the captain proficiency exam, to which she stands in disbelief. Yoruichi confirms it and further asks that Suì-Fēng attend the exam as well. Yoruichi explains that normally only captains are allowed to attend but that she has asked special permission to allow Suì-Fēng to attend. Suì-Fēng is at first confused about why she should attend but Yoruichi tells her there is no need to keep secrets as she knows Suì-Fēng is attracted to Urahara.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Second Division

2nd Division Insignia.jpgThe Second Division (二番隊, nibantai), also known as Squad 2 in the English Dub, is one of the Gotei 13, headed by Captain Suì-Fēng.

The 2nd Division follows the traditional organization of a Gotei 13 Division.
Because the Captain of the 2nd Division also leads the Onmitsukidō (Stealth Force in the English dub), the 2nd Division's duties are directly tied in with the Onmitsukidō, each of the top 5 seated officers is in charge of a certain division of the Special Forces. At this time, it is known that the Captain is in charge of the Executive Militia, the Lieutenant is in charge of the Patrol Unit, and the 3rd Seat is in charge of the Detention Unit.
The Second Division HQ has been renovated at the expense of wealthy lieutenant Marechiyo Ōmaeda. To accommodate Yoruichi any day, any time, every room on every level has heated floors, automatic doors and air conditioning.

Monday, October 3, 2011

First Division

1st Division Insignia.jpgThe First Division (一番隊, ichibantai), also known as Squad 1 in the English Dub, is one of the Gotei 13, headed by Captain Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.
No special duties have been noted for the 1st Division. The First Division is ranked highest among the 13 Divisions. Even subordinate members of the First Division are considered model Shinigami. Emergency must be dealt with swiftly; quick decisions and quick actions are essential. The division is able to ascertain a situation and mobilize quickly even before an order is issued. That is the true value of the First Division.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto

Yamamoto, Episode 206.jpgGenryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto (山本元柳斎 重國, Yamamoto Genryūsai Shigekuni) is the captain of the 1st Division in the Gotei 13 and also the Captain-Commander (Head-Captain in the English Dub) of the whole Gotei 13. His lieutenant is Chōjirō Sasakibe.
Yamamoto is the oldest captain in the Gotei 13. He has the appearance of an old man with red eyes a very long white beard, and long eyebrows .There are many scars on his torso and head, the two most prominent being a pair of long, perpendicular scars above his right eye, suggesting numerous battles in his past. After his brief confrontation with Aizen, Yamamoto lost his left arm . He wears the standard Shinigami uniform, but its size is greatly exaggerated. He also drapes his haori over his back instead of actually wearing it. Despite his old and frail appearance, he has a very muscular body that he only reveals when he takes a certain battle stance, something that, Shunsui claims, is not seen too often.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Retsu Unohana Cloak

Retsu Unohana (卯ノ花 烈, Unohana Retsu) is the captain of the Fourth Division in the Gotei 13. She is one of the oldest and most experienced captains, and is the Soul Society's best healer. Her lieutenant is Isane Kotetsu.

Bleach Retsu Unohana captain of the 4th Division Cloak
Bleach Retsu Unohana captain Cloak


Fabric:Polyester + Cotton

For this cloak,like the title shows,it only includes the cloak and doesn't include the inner part.People who ever watched the anime know that the inner color of this cloak is pink and there is a number "四" on the back of the clock,that means this cloak is worn by the captain of the Fourth Division.If you would like it,you can just choose it.Also,since it is tailor made,if you would like us to change a little for this cloak,you can just state clearly to us.The one we make for you is like this one,you can be assured about what you will get.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fourth Division (Retsu Unohana)

4th Division Insignia.jpgThe Fourth Division (四番隊, yonbantai), also known asSquad 4 in the English Dub, is one of the Gotei 13, headed by Captain Retsu Unohana.
The 4th Division follows the traditional organization of a Gotei 13 Division.
The Division is further divided accordingly into Advanced Relief Teams, whether or not the relief squads are determined by Healing skill or area is unknown.

  • 1st Relief Teams = Yasochika Iemura (leader), Harunobu Ogidō (co-leader)
  • 2nd Relief Teams =
  • 3rd Relief Teams =
  • 4th Relief Teams =
  • 5th Relief Teams =
  • 6th Relief Teams =
  • 7th Relief Teams =
  • 8th Relief Teams =
  • 9th Relief Teams =
  • 10th Relief Teams =
  • 11th Relief Teams =
  • 12th Relief Teams =
  • 13th Relief Teams =
  • 14th Relief Teams = Hanatarō Yamada (leader)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Retsu Unohana

Unohana Ep206a.pngRetsu Unohana (卯ノ花 烈, Unohana Retsu) is the captain of the Fourth Division in the Gotei 13. She is one of the oldest and most experienced captains, and is the Soul Society's best healer. Her lieutenant is Isane Kotetsu.
Unohana has the appearance of a very youthful woman with blue eyes and black hair. She wears the standard Shinigami captain uniform apart from using an obi instead of the normal sash. Her hair is long and is always worn as a large braid in front. Over 100 years ago, she did not have the large braid.
Unlike most Shinigami who carries their Zanpakutō in their sash, Unohana has a large string attached to the sheath of her Zanpakutō and carries it over her shoulder, or has her lieutenant Isane Kotetsu carry it for her, whenever they are together on the battlefield.